I introduce myself at the archetypal engineer. I schooled as an electrical engineer but make my money as a software engineer (at least that is what I consider myself).
I used to think that this writing bug came new to me, but as I look past in my life there were always signs of that writing bug in there somewhere.
I’ve published (via Pearson) a couple of technical books, that were at the time very popular. But 25 years is a long time in technology and they are things of the past.
I have finally decided to make a honest effort at writing. My goal is to publish full length novels in the SciFi / Fantasy genres. But I seem to be having a tough time writing anything of length. Instead I am producing short stories in neither of these genres. I tell myself I am just getting the writing practice needed to do something more interesting.
The writer’s group I participate with suggested that publish some of the stories I’ve written to one of the many sites that do so for new authors. But I am a little too embarrassed to even try, but not too embarrassed to publish here for your enjoyment and, I am completely honest when I say this; critical comments.
I’ll add my picture as soon as I get enough courage and find a decent pic of myself.